Our successful Live Pilot Program continuous running in 2015. You can still join this program in the following year. With the Live Pilot Program you get a clear view of Nmbrs® Accountant and if our software is profitable to your company. The goal of this Live Pilot is:
- to conclude if you can work more effectively with Nmbrs® and if this will lower your annual costs.
- to conclude if your company wants to continue working with our Nmbrs® software, which enables you to provide in the needs of your current clients.
- to conclude if Nmbrs® can enable the growth of your business.
- to educate two of your payroll experts about the Nmbrs® software, which will enable them to conduct a possible internal Roll Out program.
Our Live Pilot has proven to be a great succes. All company’s that attended this program are now fully running on Nmbrs®
If you are interested in the Live Program or have any questions, you can contact our sales department via sales@nmbrs.nl or contact us via 020-5849601.