Plus feature
Direct payment
Pay monthly salary payments and payroll tax returns automatically with Nmbrs Pay.
Download feature list
An overview of all Nmbrs features, plus supported industries and reports
Simple and efficient
Say goodbye to SEPA files
Prepare the payment for salaries and payroll tax directly in your bank from Nmbrs, without downloading a single SEPA file.
Feature overview
The simplest and safest solution for payments
Automatic payment
Set up an automatic workflow so you never forget to make a payment again.
Integrates with every bank
Nmbrs Pay is available for users of ABN Amro, BUNQ, ING and Rabobank.
The safest option
Due to the direct bank link, the chance of fraud is much smaller than with SEPA files.
Multiple companies at once
In your Nmbrs environment you purchase Nmbrs Pay at debtor level for one or more companies.
No more SEPA files
Make salary and payroll tax payments without downloading a single SEPA file.
Peace of mind
Enjoying a holiday? With Nmbrs Pay you do not have to take the payment moment into account.

Payroll features
Automate the entire payroll process
Process error-free payslips and then pay them automatically? At Nmbrs you are in good hands for a worry-free payroll cycle.
Online demo
Ask advice about your best payroll solution
Our specialists are happy to show you the ins and outs of Nmbrs and answer all your questions.

More features
Digital signing
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Interactive payslip
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