2 min
30 Apr 2024

Smart integrations for the hospitality sector

Sara Alkema - Wever (ENG)
Sara Alkema - Wever

Suppose you are an employer with a new restaurant. You are looking for useful tools to support your business processes. But what kind of applications do you need? More these applications 'talk' to each other so you don't have to perform double entries and avoid errors?


In 2022, the Netherlands had close to 70,000 restaurant-related hospitality companies. In total, approximately 415,000 employees (250,000 FTEs). However, a year and a half after Covid, there is still a shortage in the labor market in the hospitality sector. It is very important to be an attractive employer to attract and retain staff. That's all well and good, but of course, you need the time for that. Fortunately, the right software helps you work efficiently and save time, both on the work floor and in the back office.


Bring in staff

Have you recently visited a restaurant or café? Then you may have noticed it. Even after Covid, we still regularly see QR codes on restaurant tables. But why exactly? You will find the answer later in this blog.

Let's start with the first important step for hospitality entrepreneurs: recruiting and selecting new employees. You do this on a word-of-mouth basis through current employees, but do you need more than a couple of employees? Then choose a tool that helps you with this.

Tip 💡: An example of such a tool is Nmbrs Hire. This makes posting and managing vacancies as easy as making a cup of coffee. Parties such as a Recruitee can also help you find employees, and offer extensive tooling to support you. 

Offer a contract

Do you currently have a team of employees who are not yet registered in Nmbrs? No problem! You can easily transfer them to Nmbrs with the export button. Instead of a hassle with paper contracts, you can now effortlessly offer them a contract via the cloud in Nmbrs. The employee signs digitally and is then ready to get to work on the first day of work.


Planning and time registration 

Your employees want to quickly see what day and time their shift starts and which shifts are planned for the weeks ahead.

A planning package helps you streamline and automate that process. With these smart applications, you can plan future shirts, employees can see whether there are still open shifts, and they can easily clock in and out for time registration. Are you already using Nmbrs? Then you have access to various planning packages with seamless integration. This allows you to add new employees directly to your planning system and immediately forward the hours worked to the payroll administration. Below you will find an overview of the available planning packages specifically aimed at the hospitality industry.


Blog_ Horeca logos plannings apps


Cash register system in order

Now that you have your HR and planning in order, it's time to implement a cash register system for selling your menu items. Use a Point of Sale system (POS) such as Lightspeed or UnTil for this.

The POS system is connected with the planning software. In addition to registering sold items, you can also use this system as a clock system for employees. An additional advantage is that these cash register systems nowadays also generate QR codes. This way, your staff saves time taking orders and can work more efficiently.



For a clear overview of all your financial data, such as turnover and personnel costs, it can be useful to use applications that collect all these costs. Tools such as the KPI Connector from KPI Solutions or Scope Insights retrieve data from various software that you use as a restaurant entrepreneur. This gives you a clear insight into the costs and you know whether you need to take any actions.




Above you see an example of a so-called 'digital street' of the applications mentioned. The biggest advantage of this is that you never enter employee data twice, scheduling your workfore is easy and employees are always paid on time.

Curious about which applications are available and can be integrated with Nmbrs? Check out the Nmbrs App Store here.

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Sara Alkema - Wever
Partnership Manager at Nmbrs focussed on integration partners.
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